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Decaf Espresso

Decaf Espresso

5 Stars
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Product Description

Ahh, decaf; it looks like coffee, smells like coffee, and tried so hard to BE good coffee, but alas, it usually falls short of the mark. Not so with our delicious Decaf Espresso Torro. Crema? Thick and oozing. Body? Syrupy. Sweet? Check. Acidity? C'mon now, you know it! the only thing you'll be missing is a caffeine buzz!


Shipped in 1lb bags.

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  1. Bold, flavorful decaf for drip 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 15th May 2019)

    Most decafs taste like somebody punched a hole where the flavor should have been cuz the bitterness that caffeine brings to the cup is gone and other flavors (sweet, fruity, whatever) are too weak to cover that loss. Here just enough bitterness from the roasting process makes up for the caffeine and lets the roasting caramels shine, so you end up with a cup of bold sweet silky coffee that a lot of people would not recognize as decaf. It must pack a decent punch as espresso.

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