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Limited Release

Limited Release

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This year, I'm doing something a little different: I'll be buying very small amounts of very special coffees, 20-50lbs, and selling them here as limited edition coffees. I'll be rotating coffees through very quickly, I doubt most will last more than a week, so if something piques your interest, grab it quick! Since these are VERY limited amounts: in the off chance I run out of one Limited Release, you will be sent the next one up. Sold in 1lb increments.

New Panama Elida Estate Catuai Natural!

Elida Estate is renowned for cultivating some of the best coffee on the planet. They were one of the first to isolate the Geisha varietal, which has caught the world by storm; their Geisha has set numerous world records for price, most recently in September 2024 with a 3kg lot that sold for $13,518/kg....a month after they set the record at the Best of Panama auction at $4551/lb for a 100lb lot! The Lamastus family is not a one-trick pony: they excel at processing natural coffees, and this Catuai Natural brings the heat at obviously a much lower cost than their Geishas. 

Elida Estate has been in the family for 4 generations, and it's the highest altitude farm in Panama, with altitudes ranging from 5500-8200ft. A large part of the farm is in a World Heritage Site, Volcan Baru National Park. 

This cup is full of deep, creamy 72% Valrhona chocolate, ripe plum, blueberry, sweet peach, and hibiscus, a sweet and balanced cup that's excellent for pourover and drip, and will make for a wild espresso!

New El Salvador Aida Batlle Natural! Sold out!

Legends exist. In 2003, an unknown female producer came out of nowhere and swept to first place in the Cup of Excellence competition, selling for a record $14/lb. It was astonishing on all counts. How did this happen?

Aida was born in El Salvador, but raised in the US to escape the violence. At the age of 28, she returned to help on the families coffee farm that went back 5 generations. Most coffee from the farm was allocated to a particular buyer, but she was able to experiment with their highest plot of land, Finca Kilamanjaro. Utilizing knowledge she had gained in the US about sustainable food, she switch from commodity coffee practices to something more like organic farming. She began experimenting with the stellar coffee strains of Kenya, namely SL28 and SL34, and the combination of cultivar and terroir shocked the coffee world, winning the CoE. 

Since then, she has been manipulating the variables of cultivar, terroir, picking, and processing to create astonishing, yet supremely delicious coffee. Her hand is involved in every step, every year, from start to finish, and she simply does not rest, constantly pushing her crop forward. She has been a Specialty Coffee Association director, her coffee has been featured in numerous barista championships globally, including the World Barista Championship and World Brewers Cup, and she also posts and interacts occasionally on coffee forums. Relatively recently she started selling her coffee direct, in small enough amounts for me, so here we are, and I'm SO happy to feature her coffee. Yes, it's expensive: welcome to coffee without compromise.

In the cup, fruity intensity is at the fore, with ripe bing cherry and blueberry splitting the berry duties equally, juicy citrus pomello notes, something akin to effervescent dessert white wine, all supported by sweet, creamy, fruity valrhona dark chocolate, deep molasses, almond roca, and ethereal allspice and sage. 

New Colombia Circasia Edwin Norena Watermelon Coferment! Sold Out!

We're starting off the year with a whipcrack in the face of convention! I've featured coffees from Edwin Norena ('El Alquimista', or 'the alchemist') several times before (coffee cofermented with hops, anyone?), and they have always been superb, among the most memorable coffees of the year. When an offering of his pops up, I pay attention, and this coffee does not disappoint: three completely different fermentation processes are used on this coffee.

Fermentation 1: fresh, carefully sorted cherries in fresh water for 96 hours, dramatically causing the fruit to soften and release their sugary juice. 

Fermentation 2: the coffee is depulped, then anaerobically fermented for 48 hours.

While this is going on, the coffee cherry juice from fermentation 1 is fermented on its own, and combined with fresh and dried watermelon, to create and intense flavring solution for the third and final stage.

Fermentation 3: the now cherry-free coffee beans are fermented for 48 hours with the cherry juice/fruit solution from step 2 for 48 hours, then it's carefully dried to 10% moisture.

From the painstaking husbandry of the trees, to the selective harvesting, the precise blend of 3 different strains of coffee, and the imaginative, unique, and skilled processing, this coffee is from start to finish an exercise in pushing boundaries. 

What does it taste like? Watermelon candy. Strawberry Starburst. Hibiscus tea. Juicy Fruit. Obviously good for drip. Espresso? Anything is good for espresso if you're adventurous enough. Are you? 

New Costa Rica Hacienda Sonora Villa Sarchi Natural!

Hacienda Sonora sits at the base of a volcano. Powered 100% by renewable hydroelectric energy, the 100 hectare farm has 45 hectares of biodiverse, shaded coffee trees, and this promotes extremely dense, tasty coffee cherries. Villa Sarchi varietal was discovered in the Sarchi village, in Costa Rica, and it's a mutation of the Bourbon variety. 

This coffee is complex and funky! Densely sweet and heavy bodied, with notes of strawberry jam, red wine, hibiscus cooler, ripe pineapple, and nutmeg or allspice, this coffee showcases what a longer fermentation period and natural processing can do, imbuing the beans with intense flavors of type, origin, and cherry. A juice-bomb espresso, and amazing drip.



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  1. Columbian "Witch" was fantastic as an espresso! 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 26th Jan 2024)

    Ordered a few of the limited releases. Enjoyed each of them! The most recent was a Columbian which was super flavorful and complex. Lots of juicy notes.

    Everything out of the limited release has been fantastic, can't wait for more <3.

  2. Extremely delicious, very smooth 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 13th Sep 2022)

    Ordered more of the Costa Rica Canuela Cafe de Altura Raised Bed Natural. The first pot I brewed won me over for this stuff.

  3. Delicious 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 19th Jul 2022)

    This is around my 5th order from WCR. Coffee is always delivered fresh and fast and is awesome as a preworkout , black with banana.

  4. Great as usual 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 9th Feb 2022)

    I’ve been a West Coast Roasting customer for a long time now. Nate offers an exceptional product at a great price. This special reserve offering is no different. Thanks!

  5. Ethiopia Organic Banko Chelchele Hambela Natural 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 21st Jan 2022)

    I usually always jump when West Coast Roasting gets a limited release Ethiopian Coffee. The Ethiopia Organic Banko Chelchele Hambela Natural was such a beautiful tasting (I can't think of a better way to phrase it), which has such a wonderful smooth flavor with hints of Blackberry and Lavender. I absolutely absolutely loved this one. I ordered it last week, got it quickly, and it seems like this one sold out already.

  6. Always Fantastic 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 12th Oct 2021)

    In the last 6 months I’ve been really surprised and impressed at the limited release selections. To the point that I’ve wanted to reorder a certain variety only to find they’re already sold out!

  7. Rich and yummy 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 17th Sep 2021)

    Enjoyed this very much!

  8. Amazing Variety 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 19th Feb 2021)

    I’ve been buying the limited releases for the past few months and every release is great! I’m fairly new to the world of coffee and stumbled on to this roaster via Reddit. I look forward to more releases and I highly suggest you give it a try.

  9. Best coffee of my life 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 16th Feb 2021)

    I'm fairly new to the world of being my own coffee and seeking quality providers but I have got to say how impressed I am with this limited edition Peru Fica Tasta. The smell alone makes me happy, but the freshly ground beans are a delight. After my first cup I instantly ordered a bag for a friend. I'm sad it's only a limited release but I'm grateful to have tried it!

  10. What coffee should taste like 5 Star Review

    (Submitted on 29th Dec 2020)

    i've made this as pour over, espresso shot, and americano and i gotta say, *this* is what is in my head when i think what great coffee ought to taste like.

Showing reviews 1-10 of 11 | Next

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